Saturday, September 5, 2009

Style ≠ Fashion

When I meet people and they ask me what I do, my response, "I am an Image Consultant," is generally followed by a plethora of questions. The first is often, "What is that?" (see entry on What is Image Consulting?) After I do my 30 second elevator speech to explain what it is I do, I am usually asked if I am, "really into fashion." I answer truthfully that I am not into "Fashion" and tend not to go for trends. My style is very simple, classic. That does not mean that I do not read fashion mags. I am interested in what colors are in this season, what fabrics will be in stores, and what I might see hoards of youngsters wearing on the weekend. So many people make the mistake of thinking that in order for someone to be stylish, they must be "fashionable" or "in fashion". This is simply not true.

Style is not equal to Fashion for so many reasons. John Fairchild said, " 'Style' is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style." Style can not express one's uniqueness if they only sport fashion trends that were designed by someone else for someone else. Being stylish requires a knowledge of what colors compliment your natural tones and what lines will enhance your figure. It does not necessitate wearing someone's name on your clothing nor does it mean spending trunk loads of cash on clothing, accessories, or shoes. Having the "it" bag does not make someone stylish if they do not know how to wear it. As Gianni Versace eloquently stated, "Don't be into trends. Don't make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live."

Some people are very good at independently creating a style formula which works for them. You might notice them walking down the street as they tend to turn heads. Others of us may need some assistance in figuring it all out. Individual style takes into consideration lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, favored modes of transportation, and a whole lot more. It is something that grows and changes over time. Hiring an image professional can help you build an appropriate style that allows you to be confident, happy, and comfortable. And of course, as Jane Austen so rightly put it, "One man's style must not be the rule of another's."